Check-In time is 2:00PM
Late arrivals can make arrangements ahead of time
Check-Out time for Rooms is no later than 11:00AM
Check-Out time for RV Park is no later than 12:00PM
All reservations must be guaranteed with a valid credit card only.
50% deposit will be charged the day the reservation is made.
Remaining balance will be collected at check-in.
Weekends we require a two night minimum stay on reservations. Holidays we require a three night minimum stay.
We have a four person minimum per cabin charge for the Lake John and Delaney Butte fishing tournaments and all four rifle hunting seasons.
We accept Cash, Checks (with correct address and proper ID), Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
All rates shown are subject to an additional 6.9% Colorado sales tax & 2 % Jackson County lodging tax. An additional 3% credit card fee will be added to reservations being paid with more than two different credit cards.
Thank you,
Lake John Resort Management
After your departure, your room or rv park site will be inspected at our earliest opportunity for damage, theft, or excessive cleaning left for us to do. This includes if we have to pick-up after your pet. We will be the sole judge of whether additional charges may apply. We reserve the right to charge replacement cost for damaged or missing items, and for additional cleaning fees. Any such fees will be charged to your credit card. We will inform you of any such action within 3-5 days of your departure.
All rooms and facilities are non-smoking, including medical & recreational marijuana. Although smoking is not permitted within any rooms or facilities themselves, guests who smoke are permitted to do so outside in designated areas. If anyone in your party, or anyone you invite, smokes in your guest room, you authorize Lake John Resort management to charge your credit card the amount of $250.00 to reimburse management for the additional cost of cleaning your room.